
Dr. Danny Evans is a veteran language teacher with over 22 years’ experience in education. His love of language began at a very early age and he began learning his first foreign language at the age of 14. He later took French in high school and was able to travel to Europe after his sophomore year. It was at that time he fell in love with traveling and foreign culture. After high school he served in the US Marine Corps, taking part in Operation Desert Storm. After the war, Danny began college to major in music, but later switched to Spanish Education. He would later go on to earn his MEd in Language Arts and Social Studies and his EdD in Education Leadership.

Since his teaching career began, he has taught Spanish, French, Latin, Survey of Foreign Language, Media Productions and more.  Dr. Evans loves to help students explore the world of foreign language and to develop proficiency in speaking, comprehension, reading and writing in other languages.

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